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Protect this house.

A message from the president:

From the moment I stepped on the court in 7th grade, I knew that volleyball was the sport I loved. On this team I have found that same love of the game in every single one of my teammates. When we play together, we shatter limits and forge bonds of brotherhood. No matter what, we give 100%, and I am proud to be president of a team that has the fire in their eyes and the game in their hearts.

                                                -CJ Berg

A message from the coach:

It is not everyday that you find a team like the one that I coach. The drive, the passion and the ambition that these men have is the reason they succeed. Over the past 2 years of being their coach I have come to realize that the dynamics of this team is unmatched by any other school. When there is pain, they push through. When their is victory, they work harder to achieve even more. As the coach, it is my job to take them on this journey to become the best they possibly can be. This year we finished 9th in the nation- next year, we will be number 1.


             -Charles Zetterberg

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ASU Men's 

Club Volleyball

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